The Consultation (eBikes Near Me)

The process

eBikes Near Me

When you call us, it begins a progressively more individualized buying experience that ends in you getting the best fitting eBike for you. We call it the eBikes Near Me process; the end goal being you matched with an eBike that is as near a match to you as possible.

  • Initial conversation over the phone: you tell us your wants and LME creates a general list of possible bikes for you. This list will be broad and will be used at your consultation.

  • Scheduling the consultation: we set a time to meet at a test ride location near you (we have some great spots). Each location affords an opportunity to test the eBike on both road and gravel in a scenic environment. We also collect the consultation fee via phone (it has to happen sometime).

  • Test ride-consultation: Based on our conversation LME will provide 2 reference eBikes to test ride. These eBikes will offer different drives, peddle assist sensors, power levels, seating angles etc. These bikes will showcase parts and systems available to you and riding them will give you the hands-on experience needed to help you make your ultimate decision; because you don’t know what you don’t know until you know.

  • Feedback-consultation: you’ll let LME know what you liked, disliked, and would prefer about each showcase bike.

  • Measurements-consultation: LME will take your measurements to chose the perfect size and style for you.

  • Assessment-consultation: we’ll incorporate your feedback, measurements, and the broad list of bikes and narrow them to your perfect eBike based further on brand reputation, warranty, and looks.

  • After your consultation: you will receive an email with your preferences, measurements, a link to your perfect eBike, as well as links to reviews of it. We’ll call to ensure that you’ve received the package, and that you made it home ok (because safety first).

  • Buying your eBike: once you have your perfect eBike picked out, you can buy it through LME, buy it through someone else, think about it, or decide that you need more time. We support every one of these choices. You’ll never be under pressure to buy from us. All we want is to share the fun of eBiking and get as many folks riding as we can (that and the fact that you already gave us $100 for the effort helps us sleep at night).

Consultations are $100 (Hero discounts available)

This service charge serves many purposes (and will be credited towards the purchase of your ebike):

  1. A charge to your credit card secures proof of our identification to you, for your safety.

  2. A charge paid to us secures proof of your identification, for our safety.

  3. It covers time for our staff to come to you as well as curate the experience.